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8 Things to Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer

Personal injury occurs when an individual suffers harm due to another’s carelessness. Personal injury is pursuable under personal injury law and is litigated by a personal injury attorney. In a personal injury case, one party is liable for purposeful or negligent acts that harm the second party.

If you are in the New Mexico area, the Davis Kelin New Mexico Trial Law Firm can provide legal advice based on New Mexico law. The personal injury lawyers in New Mexico have several years of experience in fighting for their client’s legal rights.

1. How long have you been practicing personal injury law?

The goal of a personal injury lawsuit is to establish and prove fault, force the liable party to pay compensation and to establish and prove damages. Knowing this, your attorney needs to be well versed in the law as it pertains to personal injury and the only way they can be knowledgeable in this is if they have a significant number of years of experience litigating personal injury claims.

2. What are your rates?

Most personal injury lawyers in New Mexico charge a contingency fee when they take you on as their client. This means that you do not pay them unless they win your personal injury case. Should you win, your attorneys cut their attorney’s fees from the amount awarded to you. This arrangement can allow you the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are receiving the best legal representation.

3. How much are your case-related costs?

Out of pocket costs refer to the expenses your attorney may incur when building your case. These costs are not included in your contingency agreement and consequently, your attorney will require you to cover them. An example of this is where your attorney files a lawsuit against the insurance adjuster to protect your legal rights. In this case, they may require you to foot the filing fee.

4. How many cases do you handle at a time?

Depending on the size of the law firm, some personal injury attorneys may take on multiple cases at once. This is an important question to ask as it lets you know how much attention they may be able to give your case. Your case is important and you need a lawyer who will prioritize your legal needs.

5. What are my chances of winning this lawsuit?

After going through the facts of the case, a good attorney should be able to give you a straightforward answer to this question. On the other hand, a lawyer with limited experience may not be able to give you a straightforward answer.

6. What courtroom etiquette must I abide by?

You may also need to ask them about courtroom etiquette, for instance, how to dress appropriately. If you are a woman, for instance, your attorney may advise that you opt for a casual blazer, with a fitting blouse tucked into tailored pants.

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7. What compensation am I likely to receive?

In a personal injury lawsuit, the accident victim might receive compensation for loss of earning capacity, medical expenses and medical bills, and loss of enjoyment of life. The compensation awarded will be determined by the degree of your injuries. This means that your attorney of choice will need to excavate a significant amount of evidence to adequately substantiate any claims.

8. Will my insurance company compensate me?

Insurance companies are can be notoriously bureaucratic. This means that they are potentially uncooperative, sometimes going out of their way to avoid repaying their policyholders.

Doing your due diligence in seeking out an experienced personal injury attorney will significantly improve your chances of winning your personal injury claim.

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